Easter Bunny Costume Rental / Friendly Bunny / Professional

Creative Costuming

$250.00 $275.00
SKU: R69002 Rental White
Availability: 3 in stock

Incudes: Foam and Latex head, plush fur jumpsuit body, fur mittens and fur parade big feet.

Rental includes Vest and Bow-tie. Parade quality

Carrot Sold Separately (Here)

For more Easter Bunny Rental information see link: Easter Bunny

Please Note: Animal costumes are cumbersome and heads have limited visibility. They are manufactured for adult use only. All costume wearers should be assisted at all times by a helper. Costumes are flammable and should be kept away from any source of ignition. We will not be liable for any accidents or mishaps occurring to wearers of heads or costumes.

Machine washable body. Head must be hand washed.

R69002"x21"x21 / 12 lbs